Curricula/Courses database

Title Organisation Description Country Language Keywords Course type I-RESTART Professional Profile/Skills Online Type of training Lenght EQF Credits Certification URL
MSC in Food Identity ESA The master Food Identity is a multidisciplinary programme. It trains future experts in the agri-... France English Agri business, Digitalization, Emerging trends, Food industry Master's degree yes Agri-food No Continuous 2 years 7 120 Link
Food Systems Master’s UHOH Become a new breed of food entrepreneur This Master’s program allows for a unique integration of... EU English Agri business, Bioeconomy, Emerging trends, Entrepreneurship, Food industry, Sustainability Master's degree yes Food and Agribusiness Management  No Continuous 2 years 7 120 Master of Science Link
Food Science and Engineering UHOH This research-intensive Master's program conveys expertise in modern food processing. The... Germany English Agri business, Bioeconomy, Entrepreneurship, Food industry, Sustainability Master's degree yes Agri-food No Continuous 2 years 7 120 Master of Science Link
Crop Sciences UHOH Crop scientists develop cultivation systems that have high yields and are also ecological and... Germany German Agro-forestry, Bioeconomy, Sustainability Master's degree yes Agri-food No Continuous 2 years 7 120 Master of Science Link
Environmental Protection & Agricultural Food Production UHOH How can we provide for today’s global population without exhausting the natural resources future... Germany English Agri business, Bioeconomy, Emerging trends, Entrepreneurship, Food industry, Sustainability Master's degree yes Environmental Sustainability No Continuous 2 years 7 120 Master of Science Link
Organic Agriculture & Food Systems UHOH The organic sector is growing worldwide and farmers, processors, and consumers are increasingly... Germany English Agri business, Agro-forestry, Animal production, Entrepreneurship, Food industry, Sustainability Master's degree yes Agricultural and Environmental management skills No Continuous 2 years 7 120 Master of Science Link
Agricultural Economics UHOH This research-based and methods-oriented program deals with the economic and agricultural policy... Germany English Agri business, Bioeconomy, Entrepreneurship Master's degree yes Agribusiness No Continuous 2 years 7 120 Master of Science Link
Bioeconomy UHOH During the interdisciplinary program that looks at the entire bio-based value chain and networks,... Germany English Bioeconomy Master's degree yes Bioeconomy No Continuous 2 years 7 120 Master of Science Link
Gestion, innovation et performances des entreprises du vivant AgroParisTech Faced with global competition, the levers of performance and value creation are changing. This... France French Business as usual, Emerging trends, Entrepreneurship, Food industry, Sustainability Master's degree Agri-food No Initial Link
Data & Numérique pour l'agriculture et l'alimentation Institut Agro Dijon To train multi-skilled agronomic and agri-food engineers whose function consists of knowing how to... France French Agri business, Agro-forestry, Digitalization, Food industry Master's degree Engineering Technologies and Data Science No Initial Link
