Curricula/Courses database

Title Organisation Description Country Language Keywords Course type I-RESTART Professional Profile/Skills Online Type of training Lenght EQF Credits Certification URL
Earth and Climate Sciences ETH Our Earth is a complex system which undergoes change as a result of all kinds of different... Switzerland German Digitalization, Emerging trends Bachelor yes Climate change adaptation No Initial 3 years 6 180 BSc Link
Environmental Sciences ETH Protecting the environment, making sustainable use of resources and conserving them for future... Switzerland German Sustainability Bachelor yes Environmental Sustainability No Initial 3 years 6 180 BSc Link
Food Science ETH The aim of Food Science is to ensure the global nutrition of people. This is achieved by providing... Switzerland German Food industry Master's degree yes food production and environmental management No Continuous 2 years 7 90 MSc Link
Agricultural Sciences ETH During your studies of agricultural sciences you will acquire the necessary knowledge on relevant... Switzerland German Agri business Master's degree yes Agribusiness No Continuous 2 years 7 120 MSc Link
Environment and Natural Resources ZHAW How can we make the transition to a sustainable society? Which ideas, strategies, methods and... Switzerland German Bioeconomy, Sustainability Master's degree yes Environmental Sustainability No Continuous 2 years 7 90 MSc Link
Food technology ZHAW Food Technology encompasses all aspects of the conversion of raw materials derived from animals and... Switzerland German Food industry Bachelor yes Food Production and manufacturing yes Initial 3 years 6 180 BSc Link
Applied Computational Life Sciences ZHAW The digital revolution is giving rise to profound changes in both science and business. Expertise... Switzerland English Digitalization Master's degree yes Data Analytics No Continuous 1.5 years 7 90 MSc Link
Applied digital life sciences ZHAW Im Studium lernen Sie, Fragestellungen aus den Life Sciences mit verschiedenen digitalen Werkzeugen... Switzerland German Digitalization Bachelor yes Data Analytics No Initial 3 years 6 180 BSc Link
Preneurship for Regenerative Food Systems ETH The new MSc study program trains you to become a professional with competences in the design of... Switzerland English Entrepreneurship, Food industry Master's degree yes food production and environmental management No Continuous 2 years 7 90 MSc Link
Food Science ETH The programme starts with a grounding in natural and social sciences. From the second year onwards... Switzerland German Food industry Bachelor yes food quality and food safety No Initial 3 years 6 180 BSc Link
