Curricula/Courses database

Title Organisation Description Country Language Keywords Course type I-RESTART Professional Profile/Skills Online Type of training Lenght EQF Credits Certification URL
Food: Product and Process Design FH Joanneum We stand for ecologically sustainable and economically efficient food production. During the course... Austria German Food industry Bachelor yes food production and environmental management No Initial 3 years 6 180 BSc Link
Sustainable food management FH Joanneum The training to become a food manager is as varied as food itself! With us, you will explore... Austria German Food industry, Sustainability Bachelor yes Food and Agribusiness Management  No Initial 3 years 6 180 BSc Link
Agricultural technology and management FH Upper Austria The trend towards sustainable, ecological production and the increasing societal interest in the... Austria German Agri business, Emerging trends Bachelor yes Agricultural and Environmental management skills No Initial 3 years 6 180 BSc Link
Process engineering and production - chemistry and physics for a sustainable future FH Upper Austria Process Engineering is the practical application of basic physical and chemical principles for the... Austria German Sustainability Bachelor yes Engineering Technologies and Data Science No Initial 3 years 6 180 BSc Link
Food technology and nutrition FH Upper Austria In the degree programme Food Technology and Nutrition students learn the technologies of food... Austria German Food industry Bachelor yes food quality and food safety No Initial 3 years 6 180 BSc Link
Sustainable Management of Resources FH Campus Wien Given the global social challenges of climate change, scarcity of resources, waste management and... Austria German Bioeconomy, Sustainability Bachelor yes Bioeconomy No Initial 3 years 6 180 BSc Link
Nachhaltige Produktion & Kreislaufwirtschaft FH WN Campus FJ Die Zeiten der Linearwirtschaft sind vorüber. Tatsachen wie Klimawandel, Ressourcenknappheit und... Austria German Bioeconomy, Sustainability Bachelor Engineering Technologies and Data Science No Initial 3 years 6 180 Bsc Link
Forest science - Scienze forestali UNIPD Il Corso, interamente in inglese, si rivolge a studentesse e studenti con lauree triennali in... Italy English Agro-forestry Master's degree Forest calculations and leadership yes Continuous 2 years 8 120 Link
"SUFONAMA MSc in Sustainable Forest and Nature Management" UNIPD This two-year MSc in Sustainable Forest and Nature Management (SUFONAMA) prepares qualified... EU English Agro-forestry, Sustainability Master's degree Forest development No Continuous 2 years 7 120 Link
Master programme Organic Agricultural Systems and Agroecology (AgrEco-Organic) und Organic Agricultural Systems and Agroecology (EUR-Organic) BOKU The programme offers an education related to all aspects of the organic sector plus the possibility... Austria German Sustainability Master's degree Agri-food No Initial 2 years 7 120 Dipl.-Ing. Link
