Curricula/Courses database

Title Organisation Description Country Language Keywords Course type I-RESTART Professional Profile/Skills Online Type of training Lenght EQF Credits Certification URL
International Master in Soils and Global Change (IMSOGLO) BOKU The International Master of Science in Soils and Global Change (IMSOGLO) programme aims to teach... Austria English Sustainability Master's degree Climate change adaptation No Initial 2 years 7 120 MSc Link
MSc European Forestry BOKU The focus of the MSc EF is on the international dimensions of forest resource management and... Austria English Agro-forestry Master's degree Forest development No Initial 2 years 7 120 MSc Link
Environmental Sciences - Soil, Water, Biodiversity (ENVEURO) BOKU EnvEuro is an international two year MSc programme in Environmental Science (120 ECTS), which... Austria English Sustainability Master's degree Environmental Sustainability No Initial 2 years 7 120 MSc Link
Natural Resources Management and Ecological Engineering (NARMEE) BOKU NARMEE is a two year international master's programme offering high-quality education in the... Austria English Sustainability Master's degree Climate change adaptation No Initial 2 years 7 120 MSc Link
AgriGenomics BOKU This interdisciplinary approach provides doctoral candidates with knowledge of methodologies used... Austria German Agri business PhD Agricultural Sciences No Initial 3 years 8 180 Dr.nat.techn. or Dr.rer.soc.oec. (based on field of research) Link
Transitions to sustainability BOKU The Doctoral School T2S promotes and supports inter- and transdisciplinary research in the field of... Austria German Sustainability PhD Sustainable Development No Initial 3 years 8 180 Dr.nat.techn. or Dr.rer.soc.oec. (based on field of research) Link
Agricultural Sciences BOKU Interdisciplinary and integrative knowledge and skills are transmitted, which are essential within... Austria German Agri business, Animal production, Food industry Bachelor Agriculture No Initial 3 years 6 180 Bachelor of Science Link
Environment and Bio-Resources Management BOKU These studies are characterized by a being multidisciplinary and application oriented. The unique... Austria German Bioeconomy, Sustainability Bachelor Environmental Sustainability No Initial 3 years 6 180 Bachelor of Science Link
Forestry BOKU At the beginning of the studies, natural sciences, technical and socio-economic basic knowledge is... Austria German Agro-forestry Bachelor Forest calculations and leadership No Initial 3 years 6 180 Bachelor of Science Link
Food Science and Biotechnology BOKU This studies are a combination of biology, chemistry and process engineering, reflecting a strong... Austria German Agri business, Food industry Bachelor Food Production and manufacturing No Initial 3 years 6 180 Bachelor of Science Link
