Best practices database

Title Organisation Description I-RESTART Country Keywords Document Website Data
AgreenU AGREEN AgreenU is an online university which aim of is to give access to all the digital training on offer from the French agricultural and veterinary sciences research and education system via a single port France Bioeconomy, Digitalization, Sustainability Link 14/02/2024
Cedefop Discovery Tool CEDEFOP The Discovery Tool of Cedefop browses a wealth of resources, scientific information and open access journals on VET issues, such as VET systems, vocational and training policies, mobility of trainers, EU Bioeconomy, Business as usual, Digitalization, Entrepreneurship, Soft-skill, Sustainability Link 14/02/2024
BEMP EMAS Best Environmental Management Practices. Organisations of all sizes and kinds have a large scope for improving their environmental performance. EU Bioeconomy, Sustainability PDF icon jrc-infographic-bemp-agriculture-emas.pdf Link 14/02/2024
