Curricula/Courses database

Title Organisation Description Country Language Keywords Course type I-RESTART Professional Profile/Skills Online Type of training Lenght EQF Credits Certification URL
Distribuição, comercialização e aplicação de produtos fitofarmacêuticos (DCAPF) - Técnicos da área agrícola DGADR Provide participants with knowledge, skills and attitudes regarding the organization and... Portugal Portuguese Agri business, Sustainability Certificate Agricultural and Environmental management skills No Initial 70 hours 6 Profissional Certification Link
Formadores em distribuição, comercialização e aplicação de produtos fitofarmacêuticos (FDCAPF) - Técnicos da área agrícola DGADR Provide participants with knowledge, skills and attitudes regarding the organization and... Portugal Portuguese Agri business, Sustainability, Training Certificate Pedagogical No Initial 91 hours 6 Profissional Certification Link
Agricultura Sintrópica (AS) DGADR Provide participants with knowledge and skills on the principles and practices of syntropic and... Portugal Portuguese Agri business, Agro-forestry, Sustainability Certificate Agricultural and Environmental management skills No Initial 50 hours Link
Proteção de Ruminantes e Equinos em Transporte de longa duração - UFCD 6852 DGADR To enable trainees with technical and regulatory knowledge related to animal welfare during the... Portugal Portuguese Agri business, Animal production, Training Certificate Agribusiness No Initial 25 hours Profissional Certification Link
Proteção de Ruminantes e Equinos em Transporte de curta duração - UFCD 6855 DGADR Provide trainees with technical and regulatory knowledge relating to animal welfare during the... Portugal Portuguese Agri business, Animal production, Training Certificate Agribusiness No Initial 25 hours Profissional Certification Link
Proteção de frangos nos locais de criação - UFCD 7724 DGADR Provide trainees with technical and regulatory knowledge relating to Animal Protection and Welfare... Portugal Portuguese Agri business, Animal production, Training Certificate Pawn in livestock farms No Continuous 25 hours Profissional Certification Link
Proteção de Ruminantes e Equinos nos locais de criação - UFCD 6849 DGADR Provide trainees with technical and regulatory knowledge relating to animal protection and welfare... Portugal Portuguese Agri business, Animal production, Training Certificate Pawn in livestock farms No Continuous 25 hours Profissional Certification Link
Conduzir e operar com o trator em segurança  (COTS50) – 50 horas DGADR To complement the theoretical and practical knowledge of the participants on the safe driving and... Portugal Portuguese Agri business, Sustainability Training course Farm Mechanisation No Continuous 50 hours Link
Conduzir e operar com o trator em segurança  (COTS35) – 35 horas DGADR To complement the theoretical and practical knowledge of the participants on the safe driving and... Portugal Portuguese Agri business, Sustainability Training course Farm Mechanisation No Continuous 35 hours Link
Mecanização básica e condução de veículos agrícolas da categoria II ou III (MBCVA) DGADR Train participants to drive category III agricultural vehicles and carry out maintenance,... Portugal Portuguese Agri business, Sustainability Certificate Farm Mechanisation No Initial 250 hours Profissional Certification Link
