Project database

Title Organisation Description Keywords Country EU_National_program I-RESTART Brochure Website Data
SAM EWF SAM project is a Sector Skills Strategy in Additive Manufacturing which aims to tackle the current European need for developing an effective system... Training EU Erasmus+ More info Link 03/11/2021
SMARTROOT - Smart faRming innOvatiOn Training FIAB SmartROOT is an EU funded project under the Erasmus+ program and the Key Action 2 “Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices”. It... Digitalization, Sustainability, Training Spain ERASMUS+ More info Link 19/09/2021
ENTRECOMPFOOD GZS The European agri-food industry is not attracting enough young people to the sector, notably due to unappealing salaries, lack of notoriety of... Agri business, Entrepreneurship, Soft-skill, Sustainability, Training Slovenia Cosme Link 03/09/2021
Nefertiti SeAMK Project Networking European Farms to Enhance Cross Fertilisation and Innovation Uptake Through demonstration (NEFERTITI) is a unique 7 M€ Network (... Digitalization, Entrepreneurship, Sustainability EU Horizon 2020 Link 21/10/2020
ScenoProt - Novel protein sources for food security LUKE In 2030, consumers will eat tasty, healthy and sustainably produced food. New protein sources that will not accelerate climate change and that are... Bioeconomy, Sustainability Finland National Link 12/10/2020
Efficiency Check ZAR Within the EIP-AGRI project "Efficiency Check", a modern and practical web application was developed to support dairy farmers in taking... Digitalization Austria EIP-AGRI, Austria More info Link 17/03/2024
Added value of Agriculture UWD It is widely known that farmers provide the population with valuable food. The many side effects of their work, which are positively visible in... Sustainability Austria national More info Link 04/03/2024
KOC HRANA GZS Project KOC HRANA (Competence centre for human resource development) has been established to soar and develop competences, productivity, creativity... Digitalization, Soft-skill, Sustainability Slovenia National More info Link 17/03/2024
Improving COmpetences and skills through FOOD sector InNovations (I-CON) GZS About the project: The I-CON project has standed out to put together food SMEs needs and solution providers, enhancing their own potentials along... Business as usual, Entrepreneurship EU European More info Link 04/03/2024
FOODLAB GZS The FoodLab project (European food business transfer laboratory for stimulating entrepreneurial skills, for fostering innovation and for business... Digitalization, Entrepreneurship, Soft-skill, Sustainability EU Erasmus+ More info Link 17/03/2024
