
Partner responsible: 

Organisation Name: 

Association of ProAgria Centres

Organisation short name: 


Stakeholder type: 

Organisation description: 

ProAgria is the largest agricultural advisory organisation in Finland, serving members as well as other rural entrepreneurs. ProAgria is a private-public organisation and its advisory services covers the whole Finland. Association of ProAgria Centres is a national central organisation for eleven Rural Advisory Centres and it is responsible for the central strategy for the entire organisation and development of rural business improvement services and related consultation, training and data management. The turnover of the Association of ProAgria Centres is annually around 4 million euros with 28 staff members. All together with the 11 Rural Advisory Centres the turnover is annually around 50 million euros with around 700 staff members. Association of ProAgria Centres belongs to a wider ProAgria Group, which consists of advisory services, animal breeding, artificial insemination and IT. ProAgria’s aim is to improve its clients and partners’ competitiveness and profitability while advancing the sustainability and well-being of the countryside. ProAgria treasures its customers’ success, increasing competitiveness and co-operation through networking. ProAgria offers added-value services for e.g. dairy-, cattle-, sheep-, crop-, horticulture-, pig- and poultry farms.


Urheilutie 6 A, FI-01370 VANTAA
