Partner responsible: 

Organisation Name: 

Asociación Agraria Jóvenes Agricultores

Organisation short name: 


Stakeholder type: 

Organisation description: 

Largest professional agricultural organization in Spain with more than 200,000 members working directly on farms, both owners and tenants, as well as family members who collaborate in farm activities. ASAJA carries out its activity at the national level and with increasing intensity at the international level, especially in community forums. As an Agrarian Professional Organization, it participates in all the negotiating tables with the Spanish administration and with the agri-food industry on behalf of farmers and ranchers (Interprofessional Associations and Agreements, Regulatory Councils, Hydrographic Confederations, Agrarian Chambers, Collective Agreements, Advisory Council on the Environment , etc). On the other hand, ASAJA represents agricultural professionals in all those forums where the agricultural sector and its problems are directly or indirectly affected (C.E.S. and CEOE).


C/ Agustín de Bethancourt 17 2ª Planta, 28003, Madrid



Contact person: 

Pedro Barato Trigueros, Chair