Partner responsible: 

Organisation Name: 

Confederación de Federaciones y Asociaciones de Familias y Mujeres del Medio Rural

Organisation short name: 


Stakeholder type: 

Organisation description: 

AFAMMER was born in 1982 as a pioneering organization in Spain with a clear and first objective: for rural women to stop being invisible and for their voices to be heard in all national and international forums to meet the challenge of real equality of opportunities. a year later we have managed to end the invisibility of women and we have taken the voice of rural women to the entire national and international community and to the most important organizations within and outside our borders where AFAMMER has been present: Governments, National Parliaments, European Parliament, IV Beijing World Women's Conference in 1995, from where the Beijing Declaration and Platform came out and its subsequent revision in 2000, 2005 and 2010 at the United Nations in New York and to the various World Congresses of Rural Women held in Washington , Madrid and Durban (South Africa).


C/ Montesa 9 Bajo B,13001, Ciudad Real



Contact person: 

Carmen, Quintanilla Barba, Chair