Task 1.2: Stakeholders strategic mapping and mobilisation


Activity title: 

Task 1.2: Stakeholders strategic mapping and mobilisation

Activity description: 

LLL-P and EfVET will aggregate an agriculture, forestry and bio-economy education and VET providers’ list. All partners will contribute comprehensive information to LLL-P to feed the list. The database will register and index the providers with their activities, certification, curricula, interest for collaboration, search for partners, language and place. A target of 30 institutes to populate the platform is set for year one and a target of minimum 120 is set until the end of the project.
The list will be displayed and made available on the FIELDS platform (map) in T4.3.
COPA – COGECA, the European federation of farmers, that exclusively support the project, will provide list of associated partners that could be interested in the training All partners will provide in the platform a list of stakeholders (farmers, farmers’ representatives, farmer’s advisors, foresters’ representatives and advisors, chamber of agriculture, unions, VET providers, universities, trainers, industries, industry representative) in their network that might have an interest in the project. Those stakeholders will be involved in WP7 and will be contacted to provide specific information when needed. The contact will be extracted from the existing database of the partners and will remain in their property. The common database will be created to comply with the GDPR rules.
Another important activity in this tasks will be the classification of the target groups and their accessibility through each partner, under the coordination of CONFAGRI.
This will allow to identify potential gaps in the scope and reach of the target groups and plan contingency measures with the support of the partner umbrella organisation networks and the two associated partners (BIC, EFFAT), or the EIP-AGRI groups (under the responsibility of UHOH). This approach will also allow to analyse the evolution of empirical practices towards a structured pedagogical approach aimed at large target groups. The target groups and their segmentation and their reach by partner will be summarised in D1.3 by LLL-P and used in WP2 and WP3.

D1.3: VET list and classification (M6)

End date: 

Tuesday, 30 June, 2020

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: