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L’Isara is committed to Sustainable Development and prepares its engineering students! At the heart of the school, the SD & CSR approaches (Sustainable Development & Corporate Social Responsibility) concern us all: students, teachers, researchers and all staff. Both training and research focus on sharing and exploring solutions for sustainable agriculture, environment and food, for today and tomorrow. Isara takes part in the answer to the major challenges of our future, on the economic, social and environmental aspects. SD & CSR certified according to the framework created by the CGE-CPU conferences, Isara sets its vision and ambition at a very high level on a daily basis and in a collective spirit: - Students from all school years, staff and the school jointly lead the process within the SD & CSR Committee - While the school ensures the consistency of the sustainable development strategy and its transfer into training and research programmes, students take action through student associations, and in some cases, students and employees work together for sustainable development, as in the “club SD”, the sustainable development association. - Our partners and external stakeholders, particularly at the Lyon and Avignon sites for the environmental component, join forces and contribute to the process. - The school’s presence on the territory coupled with its social commitment mean that Isara is clearly identified by students, staff and partners as a long-lasting institution, based on shared humanistic values. - Close attention is paid to the quality of life during studies and in the workplace, providing students with the conditions for acquiring specific social skills.


AGRAPOLE - ISARA LYON 23 rue Jean Baldassini 69364 LYON CEDEX 07
