Partner responsible: 

Organisation Name: 


Organisation short name: 


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Organisation description: 

INFOR ELEA is a consortium of 250 companies and it is a merger of two big training companies: INFOR established in 1994 and ELEA founded in 1979 by the OLIVETTI Group. It is made up by a group of both public and private institutional and economic partners, included the Scuola di Management e Economia (School of Management and Economy) – University of Turin. INFOR ELEA headquarter is situated in San Secondo di Pinerolo, near Turin, with several offices spread across in Piedmont Regione and Italy: Torino, Rome, Florence, Asti, Alessandria, Cuneo and Pinerolo. INFOR ELEA is officially recognised as a training centre by the local authority Regione Piemonte and it is considered as an Italian leader for what concern training activity as a support for technological, organisational, cultural and behavioral change management of companies. Thanks to its link with the academic world, it is able to link on the one hand the rising trends on management theories and on the other hand the requirements and experience of entrepreneurs. Since 1994, INFOR ELEA has been meeting the training needs of entrepreneurs, employees and students supporting them to keep themselves competitive in business and in the labour market and providing a large number and kind of activities. Training issues cover a wide spectrum of activities: administration, finance, auditing, human resources management, communication and leadership, marketing, sell, personal and individual skill, ICT, internet. INFOR ELEA designs, realises and evaluates managerial training, lifelong learning training, academic masters, elearning, apprenticeships training, transnational mobility projects for unemployed people, study visits for transnational entrepreneurs/employees/unemployed people. Furthermore, it carries and carried out activities and projects financed by European Social Fund, Interreg II, Lifelog Learning Programme, Inter-professional funds, National and Local Authorities public financial resources.


Via Rivoira Don 24, 10060, San Secondo di Pinerolo



Contact person: 

Erica Giordano, Project Manager