
Partner responsible: 

Organisation Name: 

Karelia University of applied sciences

Organisation short name: 


Stakeholder type: 

Organisation description: 

Internationality is present in all operations of Karelia University of Applied Science (UAS). Internationality embeds education, staff and student competences development, research and development actions as well as expertise services. Besides mobility, internationalisation includes joint curriculum development, research and development projects, global education services, immigrant work and competence development. Karelia UAS is very active in the international arena, participatating e.g. in the Erasmus+, Nordplus, NPA and FIRST programmes. To mention some notable references, Karelia UAS coordinates Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance project ERDI and Strategic Partnership project ECMT+. Projects are an important mean to support strategic internationalisation of Karelia UAS. International operations aim at strengthening both the professional and transversal competences of students and staff, providing international aspects to curriculum development, increasing competitiviness, and supporting the businesses in the region.


Tikkarinne 9, FI-80200 Joensuu Finland
