Partner responsible: 

Organisation Name: 

European Bioeconomy University

Organisation short name: 


Stakeholder type: 

Organisation description: 

The transition to the Bioeconomy is one of the major economic, social and environmental challenges facing the European Union in the coming years. The European Bioeconomy University will tackle this enormous challenge by educating a new generation of truly European experts, fostering rigorous, relevant and responsible research, and transferring knowledge into society and the economy. The European Bioeconomy University is a new alliance of the six leading European universities in this field. It will act not only as a think tank for knowledge generation, but also as a creative hub for knowledge transfer to transform diversity into creativity, support the European approach of democratic, transparent and participative processes and foster actual change in an innovative and sustainable way.


c/o University of Hohenheim Office of International Affairs 70593 Stuttgart Germany



Contact person: 

Franziska Schenk


EBU is led by the Universities of Hohenheim, Eastern Finland, Bologna, Wageningen; BOKU Vienna, AgroParisTech