Palopuro Agroecological Symbiosis




Wednesday, 14 February, 2024

Partner responsible: 


Knehtilä Farm is at the center of a cooperative food production system based on energy and nutrient self-sufficiency. This multi-enterprise network, located in Hyvinkää, is the first of its kind in Finland. It aims to produce local, organic food using bioenergy and recycled nutrients. This cooperative will serve as a model for organic food production and processing which is truly energy and nutrient self-sufficient. Now going project "Network of Agroecological symbioses 2017-2020" aims to scale the concept of Agroecological Symbiosis (AES) from a single site to larger scale by building a network of AES projects where local food and biogas production are integrated. Through implementation of AES it is possible to gain economic benefits on the regional level. More information: Koppelmäki, K., Parviainen, T., Virkkunen, E., Winquist, E., Shculte, R.P.O. & Helenius. J. 2019. Ecological intensification by integrating biogas production into nutrient cycling: Modeling the case of Agroecological Symbiosis. Agricultural Systems 170. 39-48.


University of Helsinki