Partner responsible: 

Organisation Name: 

Slovenian Institute for Adult Education

Organisation short name: 


Stakeholder type: 

Organisation description: 

The Slovenian Institute of Adult Education (SIAE) is the central public institute and umbrella institution for adult education in the Republic of Slovenia which was founded by ordinance on establishment on 27 September 1991. The fundamental purpose of our operations is to develop the field of adult education in line with the Resolution on the Master Plan for Adult Education in the Republic of Slovenia for 2013–2020 and other national and European strategic documents and development guidelines on adult education. Our powers and responsibilities are also stipulated in the statutory provisions governing education, principally the Organization and Financing of Education Act and the Adult Education Act (2018). Since 2012, our role has also been that of the national coordinator of the European Agenda for Adult Learning (EAAL).


Šmartinska 134a, 1000 Ljubljana



Contact person: 

Nevenka Bogataj