Task 1.4: Bottom-up surveys


Activity title: 

Task 1.4: Bottom-up surveys

Activity description: 

ICOS will create a draft survey to assess skills needs, skills gaps, training needs and training gaps, in agriculture, forestry and the bio-economy, including green and digital skills needs in M9, considering the outcomes of the Focus Groups (T1.3).

The survey will be reviewed by T1.3 participants and CONFAGRI, AP, SCOOP, LVA, FENACORE, FIAB, LLL-P, EFB, FJ-BLT and CEPI will validate the questionnaire in M10 making sure all stakeholders point of view is taken into account.
The surveys will be translated in country language, and will be available on the website of the project. The partners responsible for the translation of the questionnaire are presented in T4.4.
The survey will be web-based, and will be disseminated through partners communication channels (newsletters, website, mailing campaign, social media, meetings, etc). Then, all partners will disseminate the survey and gather feedbacks from a variety of stakeholders from all topics(agriculture, bio-economy, water, forestry, food industry, …).
ICOS will use its experience of conducting annual training needs analysis and skills gap analysis at a national level and in line with the Irish national Skills Strategy. CEPI will carry out similar surveys in the context of its COSME project.

At least 300 questionnaires will be analysed by ICOS and ISEKI. The outcomes will be used in the future trend analysis (T1.5) and synthesized in a report in M12.

D1.6: Web-based questionnaire (M10)
D1.7: Survey analysis (M12)

End date: 

Thursday, 31 December, 2020

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: