FIELDS workshop - satellite event at the 6th ISEKI-food Conference 2021

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The FIELDS approach, starting from the current and future trends and skills needed, will lead to a sustainable European strategy to address these skill gaps. Since agriculture issues and opportunities differs a lot from country to country, the EU strategy will be customised to have a country strategy for 7 countries. It will address country-specific actions, occupational profiles and training material to reflect the country needs while keeping EU quality standards (ESCO, EQAVET, ECVET) to address the mobility of learners through Europe concretely.

In the workshop we provide the first results of co-creation meetings that involved 30 partners, in the domain of agriculture, agrifood industry and forestry, and we will present the ongoing activities.

14:30 Project presentation (R. Berruto, UNITO)
14:45 European priorities and need for training on agriculture, bioeconomy and agrifood sector (D. Rossi Chairman Copa Cogeca RES)
15:00 Focus group and survey results about skills gaps (L. Mayor, ISEKI)
15:15 Trend and Scenario analysis (J. Trienekens, WUR)
15:30 The view of agricultural sector (B. Goodburn, ICOS)
15:45 The view of forestry sector (G. Fadini, CEPI)
16:00 The view of food industry sector (J. Lazaro, Food Drink Europe)
16:15 Profiles and skill needs (A. Morin, AC3A)
16:30 Pact for Skills: new tools to boost the upskilling and reskilling of the workforce (F. Guzzo, DG AGRI - G. Pellegrino, DG RTD)
16:45 Final remarks (All)




Tuesday, 22 June, 2021




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