Best-practice guidelines for farms and businesses on agricultural waste management




Wednesday, 14 February, 2024

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The guideline was produced by the No-Agricultural Waste (NoAW) Horizon 2020 project. The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon2020 research and innovation program under grand agreement No 688338. Agricultural by-products are a huge pool of untapped biomass resources leading to undesirable economic and environmental burdens in many regions of Europe and the world, especially considering the trend to special separation of animal husbandry and crop production These agricultural wastes can be converted into bioenergy, a state of the art technology in Europe, and bio-based products (for example biofertilizers or bioplastics) hereby realising them as true resources, within a circular economy context. They should be rather considered and called agricultural by-products. However, there are still some major challenges in waste management, promoting effective use of resources and waste valorisation.

