Task 2.1: Analysis of skill gaps and new profiles creation


Activity title: 

Task 2.1: Analysis of skill gaps and new profiles creation

Activity description: 

Following the completion of WP1 activities, their respective outputs will be analysed in order to assess the skill gaps in innovation in agriculture, related to three areas: Sustainability, Bioeconomy and Digitalisation.

The aim is to look at future skill needs, the existing training in response to those needs, and to identify gaps. Beside the technical aspects, the soft skills will be included in this analysis. Their implementation is required by stakeholder associations - in particular socio communication skills, business and entrepreneurship skills, staff building skills, some marketing and commercial skills. These skills are often mandatory in the EQAVET certification process and will help the unemployed trainees to enter the marketplace.

A detailed baseline of occupational profiles and skills needed in the bio-economy, agriculture and forestry sectors will be established in cooperation with partners.
BIC, CEPI, UHOH will be responsible to define the baseline in the bio-economy and forestry sector, while ISEKI, CONFAGRI, CONFAGRI PT, PlantETP, AP, ICOS, UNITO, GAIA, SCOOP, CERTH, EFB, EfVET, LVA (including their experts members) will be responsible to produce it for sustainability. Digitalisation will be taken into account in both sector with the help of CERTH, PA, UHOH and FJ-BLT.
INFOR, CONFAGRI, UNITO will be responsible for the soft skills.

All present and future skills needs identified will be translated into normed skills and job fiche and compiled in the baseline strategy document in M15 by AC3A.
This establishment of a pool of skills will follow skills definition norms in order to be compliant with EU platform (ESCO).

Once the profiles are defined, FDE, LVA, ACTIA, FIAB, GZS,SEVT, ANIA, FJ-BLT will review the profiles based on food industry point of view, while FENACORE and UCLM will revise the natural resources and water-related topics of the skills gaps.

D2.1: Detailed baseline of occupational profiles (M15)

End date: 

Wednesday, 31 March, 2021

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: