



Technology, Logistics, E-commerce, E-marketing, Food Traceability




Slovenia adopts the DIGITAL SLOVENIA 2020 - Development strategy for the information society until 2020 as well as associated strategic documents Cyber Security Strategy and Plan for Developing NextGeneration Networks by 2020. DIGITAL SLOVENIA 2020 - Development strategy for the information society until 2020 is an umbrella strategy determining the key strategic development orientations and uniting the strategies in a uniform strategic development framework. The DIGITAL SLOVENIA strategy is a commitment for a faster development of the digital society and the use of opportunities enabled by information and communication technologies and the internet for general economic and social benefits. Along with the strategies from its scope, it envisages measures to tackle the major development gaps in the field of digital society: faster development of digital entrepreneurship, increased competitiveness of the ICT industry, overall digitisation, development of digital infrastructure, construction of broadband infrastructure, strengthened cybersecurity and the development of an inclusive information society. It foresees priority investment in the digitisation of entrepreneurship, innovative data-driven economy and development, and the use of the internet and, in these frameworks, in the research and development of technologies of the internet of things, cloud computing, big data and mobile technologies. A new system of electronic identities should be established in good time; basically intended for the public sector, it enables easy cross-border operation and equal participation of Slovenian enterprises in the European single digital market. There is a need for the systemic regulation of providing a high level of cyber security and improving financial, human and technical resources for key stakeholders. A series of measures must be implemented to eliminate the largest development lags in the digital society and set up appropriate digital infrastructure for the equal participation of Slovenian stakeholders in the single European digital space. The strategy envisages the establishment of the Slovenian Digital Coalition to unite stakeholders developing the digital economy and establishing digital jobs, as well as other stakeholders of the digitisation of Slovenia. Working with the private sector, NGOs and other stakeholders, measures will be put into place for the digitisation of entrepreneurship and society, for increased overall awareness of the developmental importance of ICT and the internet, improved digital literacy, improved e-skills of active population, and the increased number of trained ICT professionals. Formal and informal education should be opened up to new ideas and adapted to new generations, the needs of educating for new digital jobs, and the equal participation of all generations in the European digital society. Measures for a better internet for children and the elderly are foreseen. In the digital society of the omnipresent internet and ICT, we must provide a high level of personal data protection and privacy of communication in order to create confidence in the digitisation and cyberspace. In view of the current shortcomings in promoting the development of an information society, Slovenia accepts the commitment to devoting all the necessary attention to these tasks and the provision of development resources in the state administration. A good and timely implementation of measures from DIGITAL SLOVENIA 2020 is necessary for the equal participation of Slovenian stakeholders in the new digital Europe. Through the accelerated development of a digital society, Slovenia will use the development opportunities of ICT and the internet and become an advanced digital society. It strives to become a reference environment for introducing innovative approaches in the use of digital technologies.


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