Task 2.2: Profiles prioritisation


Activity title: 

Task 2.2: Profiles prioritisation

Activity description: 

Task 2.2: Profiles prioritisation (Confagri PT), M14-M18

CONFAGRI PT will develop with the support of AERES a prioritisation system and classification of all training needs obtained in the different scenarios of the foresight exercise completed in T1.5 and of the occupational profiles and skills needs defined in T2.1 M15). Partners (UNITO, CONFAGRI, WUR, ICOS, AP, UHOH, SCOOP , INFOR, GZS, AC3A, FIAB, ANIA, EFB, FJ-BLT,, CEPI), led by CONFAGRI PT will participate to the prioritisation by ranking each profiles and needs according to the criteria mentioned below.
In order to prioritise the profiles, they will be decoupled in set of skills, mini-modules that will be usable later by a farmer, that has no time and could be interested on a single skill/knowledge.

Prioritisation will be realised in a multi-criteria based approach according to the main criteria:
1. Criticalities. How the skill/knowledge is important to learn other skills and complete the occupational profile.
2. Impact. How achieving a particular skill will impact positively the growth of the sector.
3. Time. How much time it will take to achieve a skill through training activities
4. Volume. How many learners are potentially interested in the skill

Each skill will have as a result a rank: a) mandatory, b) important, c) nice to know.
The summation of all rankings of the skill, for each curricula/occupational profile will provide a global ranking for the occupational profile that will be discussed among partners and will allow to sort out the occupational profiles made in T2.1. ISEKI will provide the outputs of the focus group and semi-qualitative data (SQD) to help prioritize the skills. ISEKI with CONFAGRI PT will be responsible to combine the ranking and evaluate them against the WP1 outputs.

T2.2 will lead to the identification of 10 new job profiles that will be first standardised for transferability in T2.5, before being the basis for curricula design in T3.2.

D2.2: Prioritised profiles (M18)

End date: 

Wednesday, 30 June, 2021

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: