NWA-call Climate adaptation and health



Level of funding: 


Granting body: 

NWO (Dutch organisation for scientific research)

Name of the call: 

NWA-call Climate adaptation and health

Deadline Status: 

Call open



ow do we ensure a healthy living environment for people, animals and plants in times of climate change? This is the key question in the new call that NWO has published for the theme Climate adaptation and health. In this call, the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA) is making 4.36 million euros available for research by broadly composed consortia. The aim of the programme is to develop potential courses of action for adapting to the consequences of climate change, with a focus on health and the healthy living environment in the Netherlands. The so-called “adaptation measures” must be shaped at the interface of the physical environment, social and health care domains.


500000€ - 2000000€


Thursday, 18 November, 2021

Project theme: