IT-FOR: technology in service of the forest

Partner responsible: 


"The problem In some Italian regions, such as Piedmont and Trentino, companies in the timber sector have managed to improve their organisation by using online portals – such as LegnoPiemonte and LegnoTrentino – dedicated to buying, selling and showing trends in the price of wood. Companies in the Veneto region are therefore at a competitive disadvantage as they do not have a structured online presence and need to undertake a targeted digitisation process that suits their needs. The solution IT-FOR Operative Group aims to promote digitisation in forestry and timber processing enterprises. To this end, IT-FOR team is working to develop an innovative digital system which will increase these companies’ competitiveness: a web platform that will help enterprises to manage forestry sites and the marketing and traceability of timber."



Project program: 

Rural Development Programme


Tuesday, 21 December, 2021

