FTB4CCM - The farmer's toolbox for climate change mitigation

Partner responsible: 


"The project foresees, in fact, the development of two main results: -a MOOC about climate smart agriculture to provide key information about CSA and to present learners some useful practices in order to improve land management in view of biodiversity principles and climate change adaptation needs -an online Simulator that will allow learners, small farmers and farmholders to simulate in a virtual environment the benefits on a given area of the implementation of CSA measures presented in the MOOC. The MOOC and the Simulator are addressing mainly future farmers, students, expert farmers, farmers’ associations and organisations that are interested to acquire CSA-related skills or to upskill their farming competences and to test them into a virtual environment. Accessing to the MOOC and the Simulator, in fact, we expect users to enhance their farming knowledge, approaches and practices, in particular in the case of critical climate scenarios, and increase competences on climate change adaption practices (soil and water management, climate resilient crops etc.). Moreover, the use of open digital practices will improve users’ confidence and usability of digital tools, especially in agriculture, and will facilitate the spread of open information on the topic, by creating a transnational knowledge community." Countries: "Deutschland, España, Lietuva, Italia"



Project program: 



Tuesday, 21 December, 2021
