Partner responsible: 


IMPROVING FOOD SAFETY PRACTICE IN MEAT SECTOR TRAINING PROGRAMME The EU meat industry is an important component of the overall food supply, and meat products are sources of protein and constitute an important part of the European diet. The EU is a major meat producer in global terms, accounting for over 16% of world meat production and is a big player in meat trading. EU consumers eat about 35 million tonnes of meat each year of the various meat types. The share of EU members of the global production volume of poultry meat was 12.5% in 2006. As meat products are perishable, red and poultry meat processors and packers are faced with a large number of critical process areas and need to ensure food safety from the arrival of animals to the final packing of the product. This proposal is prepared to transfer the project results and the training methodology developed in the framework of the project “FoodSafety Cheese” and experience that has been gained in developing educational materials. The project results will be transferred to EU meat sector (including red meat and poultry) by considering their training needs. The contents will be transferred to the operators of the geographical areas of Turkey, Spain, Latvia and Austria. Main objectives are: -to provide food safety training for meat sector workers and experts. -to promote e-learning applications in VET -to improve workers' knowledge and skills, thus their employability - to increase companies' competitiveness by enhancing their food safety. -to contribute implementation of food safety policy of the EU, -to contribute protection of consumer health.



Project program: 

Leonardo da Vinci Trasnfer of Innovation



Friday, 16 December, 2022



