Task 2.4: Roadmap formulation and refining


Activity title: 

Task 2.4: Roadmap formulation and refining

Activity description: 

For practical implementation, due to national differences, the EU strategy (Task 2.3) needs to be adapted to the seven target countries into specific Action Plans.
The seven target countries will be the ones where the training pilot will be implemented:
1. Austria - FJ-BLT and LVA, AP
2. France - AC3A and ACTIA
3. Finland - PA
4. Italy - CONFAGRI and UNITO
5. The Netherlands - AERES and WUR
6. Spain - UCLM and SCOOP
7. Ireland - ICOS

The other partners of the same country will participate in the strategy review as well. The responsible partners will engage in this activity other partners within the consortium or outside if needed.

For the completion of this task, the responsible partners will engage relevant stakeholders of the target countries and will establish National Working Groups (NWG). The NWG will be set in the seven target countries where the pilot training will take place, following a multi-actor approach. The NWGs will be composed of at least five members and will organise virtual meetings during the project frame. Also people outside the consortium could be invited.

Once the NWGs are established, the activity will start, the national roadmap (Action plan) will take the EU common strategy and hence will establish national roadmaps to match the country needs. These roadmaps will include the country needs, a description of the tasks, in terms of curricula to be offered, target group of the training, awareness actions, resource map implementation, and stakeholders which can move forward the agricultural skill implementation agenda.

UNITO, AP, CERTH (Sustainability and Renewable energy), FENACORE (natural resources and water), CERTH, CEPI, UHOH (Bioeconomy and Forestry), EFB, FJ-BLT and PA (precision farming, digital services) will provide content for national formulation on specific topics.

Within this task, the VET providers, HEI and training centres will define indicators in order to monitor the implementation of the national action plans during and after the project. The indicators will be tested in the WP 4 – Implementation and will be part of the finalised national roadmap.

The task leader will coordinate the development of criteria and indicators for the successful implementation and promotion of skills implementation in agriculture and forestry. The indicators will be assessed by the VET providers and Training centres (AP, INFOR, AERES, PA, UCLM, AC3A, LVA, UNITO, WUR, UHOH). The national leaders of the action plans (CONFAGRI, AERES, AC3A, LVA, FDE, PA) will collect and assess the necessary data in order to quantify the success indicators for the pilot training made in Austria, France, Finland, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain and Ireland. Quantified indicators will be represented in graphics to show their evolution along the project.

The WP3 (training material) and WP4 (training implementation) will be linked to this task to maximise the alignment and impact of the national action plans. The feedback from the pilot implementation will be collected to improve and refine the national action plans by the end of the project.

The refining of the national action plan will follow the outcomes of WP4 (Implementation) and will be done by the responsible partners of the national roadmap.

D2.4: national roadmaps (M27 (Confidential draft) & M45 (public))

End date: 

Sunday, 31 December, 2023

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: