Task 2.5: Transferability framework


Activity title: 

Task 2.5: Transferability framework

Activity description: 

In order to provide the transferability of the skills and knowledge depicted in the European and national strategy, it is mandatory that the skill design follow the ESCO database, for the VET training.

Since the domain are probably quite innovative (sustainability, bioeconomy, digitalisation), the partner responsible of this task (LLL-P) will communicate with ESCO if there are important skills not yet available in the database, to ensure that the training strategy and training design and implementation will allow real uptake of the needed skills in agriculture and forestry.

The skills not yet in ESCO will be requested to be inserted as essential skills (are those knowledge, skills and competences that are usually relevant for an occupation, independent of the work context, employer or country) or optional ( knowledge, skills and competences that may be relevant or occur when working in an occupation depending on the employer, working context or country (e.g. water sustainability issue could be optional in the sustainability domain). Optional knowledge, skills and competences are very important for job matching because they reflect the diversity of jobs within the same occupation.

In addition to the ESCO database, LLL-P ad EfVET (and a few of their members experts in the accreditation process), INFOR and AERES will look at the creation of an open framework to accommodate all relevant existing transferability frameworks like ECVET accreditation on the VET side,or ECTS recognition system on the universities side, along with the EQAVET quality assessment and creation of link with the ECQA platform.

AP will involve external organisation (LFI: www.lfi.at)for validation of the framework. EfVET will check the final results on accreditation.

D2.5: Open transferability framework (M27)

End date: 

Thursday, 31 March, 2022

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: