Partner responsible: 

Organisation Name: 

Università degli studi della Tuscia

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The choice of Viterbo as the seat of the university is closely linked to the history and cultural traditions of the city, and in part to the history of the S. Maria in Gradi complex. In fact, it seems that itinerant studies existed in Viterbo as early as the mid-13th century. In 1546, a 'Studium' was founded at the behest of Pope Paul III Farnese. This Studium, which established chairs for logic, philosophy, law and medicine, was housed in the Palazzo dei Priori and functioned until 1581. Later, in the early 19th century, a university-level medical-surgical school was established in Viterbo, which also included a chair of physics and chemistry. The university clinic, which was based at the Ospedale Grande degli Infermi, functioned until 1853, when, following Leo XIII's bull 'Quod divina sapientia', which reorganised the studies of the Papal State, it was suppressed. The citizens' repeated attempts to make Viterbo the seat of a university were crowned with success with the creation of the State University of Tuscia, established in 1979.


Via Santa Maria in Gradi 4, Viterbo, Italy


