Partner responsible: 

Organisation Name: 

Chambre D’agriculture

Organisation short name: 


Stakeholder type: 

Organisation description: 

The Chambers of Agriculture are professional assemblies representing the entire agricultural world , created in 1924. In the same way as the Chambers of Commerce and Industry or the Chambers of Trades and Crafts, the Chambers of Agriculture are consular bodies. The Chambers of Agriculture are public establishments with a dual mission: Consultation bodies, they are the spokespersons for the interests of the agricultural and rural world; They also have an intervention role which translates into consultancy, training and research/development missions within the framework of their agricultural utility services. The Chamber of Agriculture is the privileged interlocutor of the State, local authorities and public establishments in agricultural matters, management of natural resources and forests, economic development, water management and the environment.


271, rue de Péchabout, 47008 AGEN Cedex


