Partner responsible: 


PEFMED PLUS EU project (June 2021 – June 2022), coordinated by ENEA and co-Financed by the Interreg MED Programme – European Regional Development Fund – aims to share and transfer PEF experiences and methods in the agrifood industry to neighbouring countries of the Adriatic area. PEFMED PLUS, which will expand on the knowledge obtained from the earlier PEFMED project, aims to: • raise awareness about the environmental impact of food production, in order to make agri-food supply chains more sustainable and promote the adoption of eco-innovative practices. • Provide a training programme based on the results obtained with the previous project PEFMED, to encourage the implementation of green solutions and technologies in the agri-food sector. • Facilitate the transfer of knowledge and skills to agricultural operators, clusters, and government entities. • Sign MoU with the abovementioned parties to ensure project long-term viability. The PEFMED PLUS Consortium's goal is to reproduce the PEFMED culture and methodology (which involved Mediterranean countries) and to convey a series of outputs to agro-food companies in the Adriatic basin (specifically, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, and Montenegro). Within the project, both horizontal operations such as capacity building, training, and capitalization, as well as several vertical measures targeted at specific sectors of the agro-food industry, are planned to achieve this goal.



Project program: 



Thursday, 2 February, 2023



