WP1 - Skills needs identification


Activity title: 

WP1 - Skills needs identification

Activity description: 

This Work Package lead by ISEKI aims at establishing a general overview of the labor market in agriculture, forestry and related sector (including the bio-economy) in order to define present and future skills needs.

This will be accomplished through:
- Analysis of the state of the art, both on content and on EU instruments for skills transferability (ESCO, ECVET, ECTS), with a database incorporated in the webpage of the project.
- Analysis of the state-of-the-art in terms of training content, related to agriculture and forestry
- Mobilisation of all relevant stakeholders following a multi-actor approach
- Participation of stakeholders to focus groups to define future trends and skills needs
- Multiplication of the focus groups outputs through bottom-up surveys
- Analysis of the future trends in the topics of the call: Sustainability, Digitalisation and Bioeconomy through scenarios and forecasting analysis.

The outputs of this work package will be directly used in WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP7.

End date: 

Wednesday, 31 March, 2021

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: