Task 3.1: Methodology definition


Activity title: 

Task 3.1: Methodology definition

Activity description: 

With the ultimate objective to support innovation and sustainable development in the agricultural, forestry and bio-economy sector, a variety of methods for teaching content and processes that enhance farmer learning of technological and soft skills may be applied. This task consists in defining the pedagogical approach that will be used to develop the training programme in order to enhance farmer learning of technological and soft skills.

The material developed for the curricula, will be used in two ways: by farmers, foresters and farm advisors, interested in the skill and not in the ECVET certification, and by students, willing to later work in the sector. The latest will get ECVET certification through a completion of the whole chosen curriculum. The first group, interested in the skills, can access to a personalized pattern, following only the modules he/she needs.

Several methodologies will be considered: Online learning, microlearning, gamification, flipped classroom, blended learning, peer learning, on-farm demonstration activities, Action-based and participatory learning

ICOS will collaborate to analyse the various methodologies. AERES will provide practical hints to make efficient learning scheme for both farmer and foresters and students.

Also, the principle adopted to schedule the training (online and in-class activities, work-based periods) will be defined in this task, to maximize the engagement of the learners, and to provide modular training schedule. For this aspect also AP, ISEKI, LVA, UCLM, UHOH will contribute.

In this task UNITO will compare different open source Learning management systems, to pick the one to be used to implement the training material and to manage the training.

The criteria to select trainers and trainees will be decided by the partners with the lead of INFOR in this task, as well as the EQAVET indicators to be monitored during the training.

In M9, a handbook on best practices for learning innovation will be released and made available as part of the strategy design as well as integrated in the platform for future use by VET and education providers. It will also serve as a basis for the FIELDS pilot training content creation and conduction.

D3.1: Training methodologies (M9)

End date: 

Wednesday, 30 September, 2020

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: