Partner responsible: 

Organisation Name: 

University of Teramo

Organisation short name: 


Stakeholder type: 

Organisation description: 

University of Teramo is a public University is an Italian public Higher Education institution committed in education & training, research and societal engagement. It includes 5 Departments in two main areas, namely, Biosciences (i.e. Biotechnology, Agriculture and Food, Veterinary Medicine) and Humanities (Communication Science, Cultural Heritage, Drama, Arts & Music Studies, Political Science, Economics, Law). The study programs offer and research activities developed in UNITE and particular in the agri-food, biotechnology and veterinary sector over the years have allowed the recognition at regional, national and international level capable of contributing to cultural, economic and social growth and development. The study programs offer include courses in the three main levels (1st, 2nd and PhD) completed by a series of educational and traing offer in a Lifelong Learning perspective (post-graduation, specialisation courses).


Campus Coste San'Agostino, via Renato Balzarini 1 64100 Teramo



Contact person: 

Paola Pittia

