Promote Online Education for Agriculture in a Sustainable Environment

Partner responsible: 


Agriculture is often linked with rural areas and the countryside. Still, with almost three-quarters of the EU population living in cities and urban regions (EUROSTAT 2014), such a narrative is not only misleading but also overlooks remarkable initiatives which could contribute to addressing and mitigating overurbanization implications. Urban organic and vertical farming encompasses a novel form of sustainable agriculture that urban residents can deploy to counteract the consequences of urban sprawl and at some level take ownership of their food production and consumption. Urban farming makes citizens contemplate the potential of their engagement over their own environment (private and public), empowers and brings communities together, and addresses and seeks solutions. The following Objectives (O) are being addressed in the project: O1: Reinforce the ability of ATVET providers to provide high-quality, inclusive digital education. O2: Provide new upskilling OER for ATVET Teachers and Trainers. O3: Building capacity for ATVET providers to implement online, blended and distance teaching and learning O4: Develop high-quality digital content, promoting innovative methods and tools for e-teaching and e-learning for the members of the networks of the consortium and available for all O5: Promote and deliver networking opportunities among ATVET providers O6: Development of tailor-made solutions adaptable at a Regional/Local level



Project program: 

KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education


Thursday, 30 March, 2023



