Task 3.2: Curricula design


Activity title: 

Task 3.2: Curricula design

Activity description: 

Partners under the responsibility of ICOS will develop the outline of 7/10 occupational profiles (at least one per country participating in the training) (EQF and ECVET based) corresponding to job profiles identified in T2.1 and T2.4 , at least one per topic (sustainability, digitalisation, bioeconomy), for two levels: EQF level 4 (farmers, foresters and SMEs) and one for EQF level 5 (students) in line with the sector changing needs in the short to longer term.

UNITO, LVA, ISEKI, INFOR, EFB, UHOH, CEPI, CERTH, ICOS, CONFAGRI, EfVET (experts from their network) AC3A will help to design curricula for identified new profiles. The collective expertise will be shared in a coordinated effort and a cooperative structure.
FENACORE, GAIA, ACTIA, AERES, FIAB, GZS will review the outlines of the curricula by validating them with education and VET providers from their networks.

In this task, the consortium will apply the reverse design: we will start from learning objectives (mainly represented by the ESCO skills and described in a similar manner), what the learner should be able to perform in order to be able to demonstrate his knowledge/skill, the conditions in which he will be able to carry out the action, that will be verified through an assessment, and finally the training material that has to be developed in function of learning objectives and assessment of the knowledge.

Each occupational profile outline will correspond approximately to 680 h, of which 120 online, 180 in-class, and 360 as a work based period, with 20 more hours for the assessment, that will allow for the EQAVET certification. The number of hours dedicated to sustainability, bio-economy, forestry and digitalisation, soft skills will vary among countries, following the country roadmaps of T2.4, because the distribution among essential, important skills for each topic will vary as well. The VET providers will be involved in this task.

In addition to the 7/10 new curricula whose training contents will be created in T3.4 and T3.5 and implemented in T4.2, additional curricula (at least 5) will be created in response to the other priority profiles defined in T2.2. Those curricula will be made available in the T4.3 for future implementation by VET providers involved in the project through T5.4. The curricula will include specific job shadowing periods where appropriate.

D3.2: Curricula (M21)

End date: 

Thursday, 30 September, 2021

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: