Task 3.3: Apprenticeship scheme


Activity title: 

Task 3.3: Apprenticeship scheme

Activity description: 

To complete the training, that will be of EQF level 4, the class activities will be alternated with work-based periods. This task will design the apprenticeship scheme considering the COM (2017) 563 on an European Framework for quality and effective apprenticeships. To ensure the quality and effectiveness of apprenticeship schemes, the recommendation covers seven criteria for learning and working conditions and seven criteria are for support the set up and functioning of quality and effective apprenticeships.

The apprenticeship scheme will be designed following these criteria, and will have a sufficient number of days - compared to the in-class and online activities, to guarantee the balance between the different training modalities.

Both farmer and foresters association and agri-food company and bio-based industry association, VET providers will be engaged in developing these apprenticeship schemes, that will include some days of work based period at the farm, and some days/visits at the food and bio-based products industry. This will include work-based periods at forestry related businesses.

VET providers (INFOR, AERES, EfVET, LVA, AC3A, PA, UCLM) will consult also the stakeholders (CONFAGRI, PA, FIAB, ACTIA, ANIA, SCOOP, ICOS, LVA, CONFAGRI PT, AP) to finalize a sustainable apprenticeship scheme, based on a first period as a stage, that can be followed by the apprenticeship period.The developed schemes will be used for the countries where the pilot implementation will take place.

The training on the job schema will be considered as well, for the employed people that are interested in the training.

The FIELDS project will make a short pledge to join the European Alliance for Apprenticeships, in M20 in order to prepare materials to be shared through the online platform in T4.3. The objective is to create a database of apprenticeships offers (for trainees and for companies, demand and supply side). The data will also be shared with the EURES@Drop’Pin and a specific focus will be put on digitalisation through the promotion of the Digital Opportunity traineeships initiative. Each partner will provide companies ready to receive apprentice, and format the offer to be displayed on the platform and Drop’Pin.

Based on the “Apprenticeship schemes in European countries A cross-nation overview” study from CEDEFOP, an EU approach to apprenticeship will be designed to facilitate mobility of apprentice in Europe and integrated in the T2.3.

D3.3: Apprenticeship scheme report (M42)

End date: 

Saturday, 30 September, 2023

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: