Task 3.4: Training content creation and new tools


Activity title: 

Task 3.4: Training content creation and new tools

Activity description: 

This task, lead by UCLM aims at developing the training content for trainees based on the methodological approach defined Task 3.1 and the curricula designed in Task 3.2.
The material developed for the curricula, will be used in two ways: by farmers, foresters and farm advisors, interested in the skill and not in the ECVET certification, and by students, willing to later work in the sector. The latest will get ECVET certification through a completion of the whole chosen curriculum. The first group, interested in the skills, can access to a personalized pattern, following only the modules he/she needs.

The training programme will be divided into four modules, each part being dedicated to one domain (sustainability, bioeconomy and digitalisation)and one module for common skills, related to worker safety, gender issues, soft skills that is mandatory for achieving the ECVET and EQAVET certification.

Module - Leader - Co-leader - Involvement
Common and soft skills
Sustainability - UCLM - UNITO - ICOS, AC3A, AP
Bio-economy - UHOH, CEPI - FJ-BLT - ICOS, AP
Digitalisation - CERTH - FJ- BLT, PA - UHOH, UNITO

The creation of content will be mainly for the online part of the training and will include collection of materials available (including best cases, tools) and implementation of new material and tools to target the EQF level 4, related to both agriculture and forestry issues.
The in-class activity will belong to the trainer material, developed in T3.5.

The tools will be made/used to transfer high EQF level knowledge to be usable at EQF level 4.
Modules will be developed thanks to partners’ expertise on the subject and existing training material gathered also from Task 1.1. To allow for maximum flexibility, the training material will be organised on a daily basis. This flexible material will be easily combined in the final training, taking into account the trainees needs, that can differ in term of time availability to follow the training.
The material will be country specific, following the curricula outlined in T3.2 and in response of the regional roadmaps (T2.4), and provided in 7 languages (English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Spanish)

In addition to each content provider, several partner (ACTIA, FENACORE, FIAB, AERES) will revise the content of the course.

The training material for trainers will be placed on the open source Learning management system defined in T3.1

D3.4: Online training materials (M30)

End date: 

Wednesday, 31 August, 2022

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: