Task 3.5: Train the trainers materials and tools


Activity title: 

Task 3.5: Train the trainers materials and tools

Activity description: 

This task, lead by AP, aims at developing the training content for trainers based on the methodological approach defined Task 3.1 and the curricula designed in Task 3.2.

The train-the-trainer material will be divided into four modules, each part being dedicated to one domain (sustainability, bioeconomy and digitalisation) and one module for soft skills and teaching methodology.

Module - Leader - Co-leader
Soft skills and teaching methodology - INFOR, LLL-P, AC3A - EFB , UNITO, ICOS. CONFAGRI
Sustainability - UCLM - UNITO
Bio-economy - UHOH, FJ-BLT, CEPI - AP, EFB
Digitalisation - CERTH - PA, FJ-BLT, UNITO

The creation of content will be mainly for the in-class activity, to be used by trainers while delivering the class to trainees, and will include collection of materials available (including best cases, tools, assignments, business cases) , to be used for the in-class activities. The tools and assignment will be provided with examples and solution, to allow the trainer that has little skills in the subject, to run the training himself without additional support.

The material developed will focus on the skills chosen for the curricula design, and will follow ESCO skills, and EQAVET guidelines for the implementation on the open-learning platform system.

Several partner (ICOS, ACTIA, FENACORE, FIAB, AERES, CONFAGRI) will revise the content of the train-the-trainer material.
The train-the-trainer will be also translated in the country languages of the pilot training (T4.2).

The training material for trainers will be on the open source Learning management system defined in T3.1

D3.5: User guide for trainers and train the trainers’ session material (M30)

End date: 

Wednesday, 31 August, 2022

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: