Task 4.1: Setup and running of Train-the-trainer pilot


Activity title: 

Task 4.1: Setup and running of Train-the-trainer pilot

Activity description: 

Selection of trainers in each participating country from M24 to M27.

An experiment of the trainers’ training will be running under AP coordination to ensure that trainers have all the necessary elements to monitor themselves the training sessions for the trainees.
The trainers will follow the online content developed in WP3, related to content use and in class activities, and then will have a quick look at the online training dedicated to the trainees, provided by task 3.4, in order to have a broad idea about the training content they have to use later. The content providers (INFOR, EFB, UCLM, UNITO, AP, CERTH, PA) will provide support on issues related to it. They will have 2 weeks to look at the online material.

After the online phase, they will participate at the in-class training dedicated to them. It will last 3 days and will take place at AP premises.
Each stakeholder representative of Agriculture, Forestry and Bioeconomy and VET center (AC3A, ACTIA, AERES, AP, CEPI, CONFAGRI, CONFAGRI PT, UHOH, EFB, GAIA, ICOS, INFOR, LVA, PA, SCOOP, UCLM, UNITO) will provide one trainer and cover its expenses for attending the transnational in-class activity event.

Feedback is expected from this experience in order to implement modifications of the trainers’ training were necessary. One satisfaction survey on the activity will be prepared by AP with the collaboration of the training centres. Feedbacks will be collected from this pilot in order to consider modifications of the training content and to helps the definition of the roadmap per country in T2.4.

The training material for trainers will be on the open source Learning management system chosen in T3.1

AP will collect and organize the feedbacks of the trainers to be considered while optimising the trainers’ training version.

D4.1: Feedbacks from trainers (M36)

End date: 

Saturday, 31 December, 2022

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: