Task 4.2: Setup and running of Training pilot


Activity title: 

Task 4.2: Setup and running of Training pilot

Activity description: 

The implementation of the training pilots will be running under AERES coordination to ensure the proper functioning of the training. Trainers who participated in task 4.1 will participate as instructors. The training will be offered in country language.
Partners of the country where training is offered will select a small number of trainees (minimum 15 per country), in initial (students) and continuing training (farmers, foresters and advisors) following the criteria established in T3.1.

For learners in initial training, the training will be followed by a stage/apprenticeship to complete the occupational profile requirement, both at the land and industry level. For farmers or farm advisors and forester the offer will be modular, so they can study only the content they need, and they can skip the work based period. This modularity will offer in practice an infinite number of curricula to the trainees.

The small-scale tests will include every module of the training for trainees:
• The e-learning modules;
• The in-class sessions;
• The field visits to best cases implementation and industry
The training will be performed in the seven following countries:
1. Spain: UCLM
2. France: AC3A
3. Italy: INFOR
4. Austria: AP, LVA
5. The Netherlands: AERES
6. Finland: PA
7. Ireland: ICOS

For the training, an open source platform - learning management system (LMS) selected in T3.1 will be used to host and monitor the training. The platform will host the country material developed in 7 languages (English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Spanish) .

UNITO will provide assistance for the online part of the training.
For the people in initial training the VET providers will make the attempt to reach the EQAVET and ECVET certification.

Also, in this phase the content providers (INFOR, EFB, ICOS, AC3A, CONFAGRI, UCLM, UNITO, AP, UHOH, CERTH, FJ-BLT, PA) will provide support to trainers on issues related to it. The feedback will be encouraged through discussion forum to engage farmers, foresters, farm advisors and students to suggest improvements and provide feedback. The system will monitor their activities, in terms of pages visited, assessment made, exercises made and discussion participation.

One satisfaction survey on the activity will be prepared by UNITO with the collaboration of the training centres. Feedbacks will be collected on the platform from this experience in order to consider modifications of the training.

The comments of trainees will be taken into account and correction of the content will be made. AERES will collect and organize the feedbacks of the trainees while optimising the FIELDS training.
The feedback of this activity will be taken into account to finalise the D2.3 and D2.4 and to propose adjustments to the training material.

D4.2: Report and analysis of the training experimentation (M39)

End date: 

Friday, 31 March, 2023

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: