Task 5.1: National and EU regulatory frameworks


Activity title: 

Task 5.1: National and EU regulatory frameworks

Activity description: 

This task aims at preparing the roll-out of project deliverables at national and regional levels with the relevant governmental and sectoral authorities.

In M20, partners will provide the information on the regulatory frameworks in place in each country. The following coverage will be done:

• FDE will contribute to provide EU regulatory frameworks
• CEPI, EFVET and LLL-P will provide EU regulatory frameworks
• FENACORE contribute with EU and Spanish regulatory framework for water sustainability and reuse.
• SCOOP, FIAB for Spanish
• GAIA in Greece
• UHOH in Germany
• LVA,AP, FJ-BLT in Austria
• ICOS in Ireland
• ANIA, AC3A in France
• CONFAGRI PT in Portugal
• AERES, WUR in Netherlands
• GZS in Slovenia

Once the list combined by CONFAGRI PT in M21, some information about these lists will be included in D2.4.
The regulatory framework list will also be uploaded into the platform described in T 4.3

D5.1: Regulatory framework list (M24)

End date: 

Friday, 31 December, 2021

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: