Task 1.1: State of the Art


Activity title: 

Task 1.1: State of the Art

Activity description: 

To collect the information about the state of the art, all partners will participate and provide information related to their domain, in a form of curricula available, best practices, relevant projects, EU funded projects, regional pilot projects and best practices carried in the sector as well as concrete examples of policies and initiatives at the national levels.
UNITO will create a database storing all relevant research, all partners will contribute to this task by providing detailed insights from their specialisation angle:
1. Agricultural sustainability, management of natural resources and climate action: UNITO, CONFAGRI, ICOS, ISEKI, FIAB, SCOOP, UHOH, CEPI, FDE, ACTIA, ANIA, EFFAT, CERTH, EFB, PlantETP, AP, LVA, SEVT, FIAB, UCLM, PA, GZS-ZKZP, AC3A, BIC, EfVET, FENACORE
2. Digital technologies, digitalization, big data and artificial intelligence: UHOH, CERTH, EFB, PA, UCLM, SCOOP, UNITO
3. Bio-economy, circular economy and bio-based products: ISEKI, FIAB, LVA, UHOH, CEPI, AP, CERTH, EFB, ACTIA, SEVT, UCLM, ICOS, SCOOP, AC3A, CONFAGRI, BIC, EfVET, PlantETP
EfVET and LLL-P will lead a search of available frameworks, action plans, materials, studies (ESCO, EQAVET, PanoramaSkills, etc) and how to link them with the project.

To feed this database, all partners will provide information on relevant national practices and will synthesize the outputs of their previous projects that can be used within FIELDS. It is already foreseen that FDE, UHOH, LVA, and SEVT will bring knowledge from the ASKFOOD Erasmus+. UHOH and CONFAGRI will also bring results (e.g. research, best practices) from SMARTCHAIN H2020 and SKIN Csa on short agri food supply chains, NoAW on agricultural waste, EMPHASIS on pest management and soil health, TOMRES on crop resilience to climate change, ReinWaste Interreg on circular economy, Innoseta on new spraying systems Suwanu Europe on water management, PLANET and SAGRI Erasmus+, Food 4 Growth VET, iFAROS ERA-NET SusFood2, I-CON Interreg CE and different EIT Food projects, among others.
UNITO will bring in the results of PLANET for renewable energy training content and entrepreneurship skills from EIT FOOD summer school CEPI will share the material collected from the paper sector social dialogue project on skills mapping and mismatches, as well as elements of findings from the SPPRING (Skills for the Paper and Printing Industries Next Generation) COSME project to be implemented by CEPI and INTERGRAF over 2019 and 2020.
In addition, CEPI with the help of his network, will provide the state-of-the-art for the forestry sector.
ICOS will get access to annual surveys and skills needs identified across a number of sectors. ISEKI will use its NEXTFood project, AP will provide relevant studies about digitalisation in agriculture from the Austrian Federal Testing Institute, and other relevant skills studies from the agricultural chambers of Austria and the Rural Training Institute (LFI). FJ-BLT will help
also here.
FENACORE will provide inputs from SuWaNu Europe, Weam4i, Life Irriman as well as best cases and practices in term of regional ,national and EU skills and training initiatives on water sustainability, considering also energy consumption and water reuse.
UCLM will provide methodologies and technologies from FlowAid, Desurvey, SUPROMED and SAFEWATERAFRICA and other European projects to improve the efficiency in the use of natural resources, in particular water and energy in agricultural sector, improving the design and management of the production methods and analysing scenarios for advising farmers and technicians about the most suitable strategies for facing specification related with the climate change.
CERTH and EFB will exploit knowledge from the BIOCIRCULAR project which targets at tackling major issues in inefficient and unsustainable farming practices leading to inappropriate application of resources such as artificial fertilisers, non-optimised value chains in the production system, and insufficient data handling and processing.
BIC will provide the outputs of the survey conducted by the applicants of their BBI JU call “BBI 2018. SO4.S3 – Identify opportunities to promote careers, education and research activities in the European bio-based industry”.
Plant ETP will share recommendation developed in Educational Action Plan and will bring the results from BECOTEPS: Integrated and sustainable bioeconomy in Europe 2030.
Partners will cooperate at national level to make advantage of synergies in their research.

D1.1: Stakeholders strategic plans and analysis report (M6)
D1.2: Repository of previous projects, results and best practices (M6)

End date: 

Tuesday, 30 June, 2020

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: