Task 5.2: Funding opportunities


Activity title: 

Task 5.2: Funding opportunities

Activity description: 

In this task partners will study and list the funding opportunities available to support the skills strategies and the future use of FIELDS’ outputs.
Two levels will be studied (regional/national and EU levels), each partner will list the regional and national funding opportunities using the EU tender portal and the local authorities materials.
The following partners will be responsible for each country:
1. Austria: LVA and AP
2. France: ACTIA, AC3A
3. Germany: UHOH
4. Greece: GAIA, SEVT, and CERTH
5. Ireland: ICOS
6. Italy: CONFAGRI and INFOR
7. Netherlands: WUR and AERES
8. Portugal: Confagri PT
9. Spain: FIAB, SCOOP
10. Slovenia: GZS-ZKZP

In addition, a general monitoring will be done at EU level by FDE and LLL-P, CEPI, EfVET.
The following opportunities at least will be monitored for the EU level: BBI JU, European structural funds, European Fund for Strategic Investment, Erasmus+, COSME, Youth Employment Initiative, Digital Opportunity traineeships, European Investment Bank, INTERREG, FEDER, LIFE, MSCA.

Two levels will be sought, the fundings to put into practice the strategy (implementation of training based on the developed curricula, policy making, etc) and fundings to maintain and ensure the future use of the project outputs (platform maintenance and update).

All opportunities will be uploaded in the platform made in T4.3 to ensure easy monitoring and use by partners and external stakeholders. If possible, the consortium will prepare application to one EU and several national schemes by the end of the project to further implement the training.

D5.2: Funding opportunity (M24)

End date: 

Friday, 31 December, 2021

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: