Task 5.3: Platform governance


Activity title: 

Task 5.3: Platform governance

Activity description: 

In order to keep the platform online and updated after the project duration, a governance scheme will be prepared by PA, that has wide experience in offering digital services to farmers. The governance body will include - under the UNITO devoted FIELDS unit coordination - VET providers that will further update, disseminate and promote the use of the platform and UNITO will be in charge of maintaining it.

An exploitation plan will also be written by CONFAGRI with the help of ISEKI, starting from M36, it will expose the rules for further exploitation of the training content, the strategy, the curricula, job descriptions, skills sets and all project outputs. The exploitation plan will include the feasibility of some strategies to promote the sustainability of the project:
• free available materials to be offered through social media channels, like Youtube and Instagram (at least 10 introductory video posted on Instagram)
• organisation of workshops and social media challenges to promote the usefulness of the training available
• organisation of training courses and summer schools at transnational level while engaging farmers and food industries
• agreements between HEI and VET to promote joint activities in the topics of the proposal
• funding opportunities to apply as a consortium
• benefits for registered users of the portal
• other actions /opportunities that might arise during the project lifetime

The Exploitation Plan will be validated by GAIA, SEVT, SCOOP, LVA, ICOS, CONFAGRI PT, ACTIA.

D5.3: Exploitation Plan (M 45)

End date: 

Sunday, 31 December, 2023

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: