Task 6.1: Quality plan


Activity title: 

Task 6.1: Quality plan

Activity description: 

The quality Plan will be prepared by CERTH at the project beginning so as to follow up and control the project activities.

A High Steering Committee will be in charge of its right implementation, monitoring and planning the project activities. The High Steering Committee will be constituted by a contact person of each WP Leader organisation and chaired by Patrizia Busato, being the project coordinator. Individuals in this HSC will be listed in the consortium agreement signed by the project partners.

The Quality Plan will include a summary of the expected results and deliverables achieved by each partner and will be uploaded into the intranet. INFOR will develop the evaluation grids for quality assessment of deliverables and reports, and will schedule the quality assessment activities.

The risk assessment phase will require each partner to write a report with his concern about the work program before the kick-off meeting. The raised issues will be discussed at the first meeting and will be monitored during the execution of the project. Based on the received reports a risk management plan will be made by UNITO.
Both quality plan and risk management plan will be monitored during the execution phase in the WP8 - management.

The quality plan will be reviewed by the WP leaders.

D6.1: Quality Plan (M4)
D6.2 Evaluation Grids (M6)

End date: 

Tuesday, 30 June, 2020

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: