Task 6.3: HAB and External Expert review


Activity title: 

Task 6.3: HAB and External Expert review

Activity description: 

Quality insurance is of high importance for the sustainability of the project outputs (curricula, Skills profiles, job description, training methodologies, training programme, platform, …) and an external review will be performed at mid-term and before the end of the project in Y4.

EFB with the help of ICOS, INFOR, AERES, ACTIA, CONFAGRI will define an evaluation methodology for external assessment and to help the quality checks of the evaluators. The QC will review and approve it.

UCLM will suggest an EE for sustainability aspects
CEPI will suggest an EE for bio-economy and forestry aspects
EFB will suggest an EE for digitalisation aspects

External evaluators (EE) will perform quality control of the deliverables up to M30. Their checking will be referred to the english version of the outcomes and deliverables, including the training content.

The HAB will suggest an external evaluator for the checking of all the final deliverables at M47 before the end of the project. He will do a cross check on the deliverables already checked by other EE, and will look also at all new deliverables made after M30.

In addition to it the HAB will perform the following reviews:

Task 1.5: HAB will review the future trend analysis and provide feedbacks to the QC who will take them into account

Task 2.3: HAB will review the european strategy and provide feedback to the QC who will take them into account before the EE review after M30.

Task 5.4: The HAB will review the future engagement plan to ensure the sustainability of the project, long after the end, and will be invited to join the memorandum of understanding for the starting of the Agricultural Sector Skill Alliance

The EE will be paid by EFB, CEPI, UCLM, while the external evaluator suggested by the HAB will be paid by UNITO.

D6.4. EE quality assessment (M32&M48)

End date: 

Sunday, 31 December, 2023

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: