Task 6.4: EQAVET assessment


Activity title: 

Task 6.4: EQAVET assessment

Activity description: 

INFOR will guide the EQAVET procedure for the training pilot offered in Italy. AERES will provide the process for the Netherlands.

The training activities developed within the project will be corresponding with the reference model proposed by the EQAVET guaranteeing a comprehensive quality assurance to learning. INFOR will follow closely all the activities of the project to monitor and document all action needed to get ECVET following the EQAVET guidelines.

For quality assurance of the delivery training content we adopt here some of these indicators:
1. Indicator n. 3. Participation rate.
2. Indicator n. 4. Completion rate.
3. Indicator n. 5. Placement rate.
4. Indicator n. 6. Satisfaction rates.
5. Indicator n. 9. Material quality.
These indicators will be monitored by INFOR on trainees and quality content through surveys and other means that have to be defined.

The approach for validation and recognition of the learning outcomes will consider the above indicators. This task will allow other interested partners to follow the same procedure in order to get the ECVET skills certification.

INFOR will coordinate the action of the other VET providers that participate in the training pilot, to ensure that all pilots can get the ECVET certification of skills. This is connected to the work in Task 2.5 - Transferability of skills,
A country guideline will be issued at the end of this task by INFOR and EfVET experts will participate to its creation.

D6.5: ECVET accreditation report (M42)

End date: 

Sunday, 31 December, 2023

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: