Task 7.2: Communication and dissemination campaign


Activity title: 

Task 7.2: Communication and dissemination campaign

Activity description: 

For this task appropriate communication strategies to target different stakeholders will be presented.

A project logo and leaflet will be developed by UNITO within the first four months of the project. The leaflet will very simply outline the projects objectives and deliverables, available in the project’s partner languages in hard copy, as well as in electronic format through the project website. FENACORE will help to edit the brochure of the courses and the project. Partners will be responsible for the translation and printing of the leaflet in the corresponding languages (see T4.4). The template of the leaflet will be designed by UNITO and the electronic version will be sent to all partners.
FIAB will design and disseminate project templates of associated documents (in word, Powerpoint, publisher and all other necessary programmes) in-line with Erasmus+ guidelines to ensure correct logos & dissemination material is included.

UNITO will design and develop a project website within the first six months of the project. It will be created in English and translated into the 9 other project partners’ languages. It will provide an overview of the project, including partners, work plan and packages. Public deliverables, communication and dissemination materials will be available for download from the website. A suggested structure for the site is the following: Home, Project (overview, partners, project development, deliverables), News, Events.

The website will be available in the consortium languages.
A hosting plan will be purchased for 8 years, to ensure the sustainability of the platform 4 years after the project’s end. A domain name will be bought. The website will be updated periodically throughout the lifetime of the project, including 4 years after the project has been completed, by the UNITO Permanent FIELDS unit. Web analytics tools will be used to monitor website performance.

LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other relevant social media channels will be used by FIELDS and will be created by FIAB. Each partner will like and repost the project’s account posts from their entity account when existing to increase the scope of reach. The content of the post will be linked to the dissemination content, the project events (survey, focus groups), the project news, project information, attendance to an event, availability of the map, etc. A social media campaign will be used to give FIELDS relevant, direct and immediate engagement with local stakeholder groups, especially during WP1 activities. In addition, for the communication through the social media, FIELDS will adopt the H2020 guidance - social media guide for EU funded R&I projects.

For the data protection of the people involved in the different workshops and event, we will respect the EU Directive for General Data Protection Regulation in accordance to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. Specific forms will be developed and signed by people interviewed or appearing in a recorded video for dissemination purposes.

Communication and dissemination campaigns will be developed and implemented to ensure broad awareness rising of the project outcomes to the target groups. Even though the strategy will be detailed in D7.1, some of the actions taken can already be described.
• Newsletters will be written by FIAB with inputs from WP leaders every 6 months under the direction of FIAB and published to report the main developments achieved in the project and communicated through the different channels presented in the dissemination plan as well as through the stakeholders from each partner database. The newsletter will be issued in english by FIAB, FDE, EfVET, CEPI and LLL-P. Partners responsible for dissemination material will translate the newsletter in their country language and send it out through their network

• 7 Communication workshops (LVA, AERES, CONFAGRI, ACTIA, FIAB, ICOS, PA) which will be organised during the project to involve, start the strategy roll-out and engage Farmers, foresters and industry organizations, VET and education providers in each partner country, but also in Europe as a whole. One additional one will be made in Brussels.

• Ongoing dissemination to the media will be carried out, including press releases and articles in order to reach the different targeting audience detailed in the D7.1. These articles will be published in relevant journals depending on the public target to be reached. Dissemination towards EIP-AGRI focus group will be performed by UHOH.

• FDE will disseminate the project results through the National Food and Drink Industry Federations, and the National Food Technology Platforms to the Food Industry, at the different stages of development of the project.

• Videos of interviews will be made during VET training in local languages and posted on the various youtube channels of the partners and on the Instagram/Youtube channel of the project (AC3A, UCLM, LVA, AP, PA, INFOR, UNITO, ICOS, AERES)

• Social media challenge will be implemented among initial training student on instagram to impact learners population by VET and training providers (AC3A, UCLM, LVA, AP, PA, INFOR, UNITO, ICOS, AERES)

• Promotion of agriculture careers and gender equality will also be promoted through the project’s events

• Google AdWords campaign will be issued when the training content is available to impact the target groups by UNITO

• A final conference will be organised in Brussels with the help of LLL-P and the umbrella organisations (FDE, Copa Cogeca WP RES; EFFAT, CEPI).

The dissemination actions will be monitored by FIAB and the result of the communication will be updated at the yearly meeting and during the virtual meetings.

D7.2: Public Website (M3)
D7.3: Project leaflet and poster (M6)
D7.4: Report on dissemination action (M48)

End date: 

Sunday, 31 December, 2023

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: